Español a mano is the encyclopedia for quick reference of your questions in Spanish! In this app you will find the main grammatical concepts and use of the Spanish language, and the vestibular issues to train their knowledge of the language. With it, you study and checks its direct learning the phone or tablet, without wasting time on internet searches.Our content, 100% reliable, has:- Publisher bases in books Santillana ol;- clear explanations of the main grammatical topics of the Spanish Language;- phrases with audio for use in various communication situations.The Spanish a mano also has interactive features:- "Puedes see": entries related concepts;- "Pon a prueba tus conocimientos": the vestibular issues related to each concept, with answers and resolutions;- "Mis Estadísticas": feature that measures their performance, based on trial and error on the issues;- "Latest visualizaciones": list of shortcuts for the last accessed concepts;- "Configuraciones": Features three font sizes available.Warning: Requires internet connection.